
Start by importing the framework's umbrella header file:
#import <EOSFramework/EOSFramework.h>


In order to use the framework, it must first be initialized. This is done by using the EOSManager singleton class. You should never allocate or initialize the EOSManager yourself. Instead, get the shared singleton instance like so:
EOSManager* manager = [EOSManager sharedManager];


The framework is managed using the EOSManager's load: and terminate: methods, which both return a boolean indicating whether successful. Typically, you would want to load the framework when the application launches, and terminate the framework when the application quits. This can be done using AppDelegate notifications:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification{

    EOSManager* manager = [EOSManager sharedManager];

    //try to load the framework
    if ([manager load:nil]){

        NSLog(@"Successfully loaded EOSFramework");



- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)notification{

    EOSManager* manager = [EOSManager sharedManager];

    //is the framework loaded?
    if ([manager isLoaded]){

        //terminate it
        [manager terminate:nil];


Notice that the load: and terminate: methods each have an optional parameter, that was passed nil. This parameter can be used to retrieve error information if the method was unsuccessful. Almost all of the framework methods have this option.